mission and beliefs
The mission of Hillside Community Church is a simple one: love God and love people.
Because Jesus taught that love is center of everything. It’s that to which the whole of scripture points. It’s the only worthwhile measure of our lives. It’s the only thing that can change us and our world for the better.
And so, our work as Jesus’ followers is to ground our lives more and more in that love.
We are a non-creedal church, which means we do not require adherence to a specific set of beliefs to belong here. Instead, we recognize that faith is a journey, not a checklist, and we celebrate the diversity of ways people experience and understand God. While we honor the ancient creeds as historical expressions of Christian faith, we believe that Christianity is best understood as a way of love, rooted in relationship – with God, with others, and with ourselves.
The following affirmations reflect the heart of our community’s shared understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. Though not a formal creed, they express the values and commitments most of us hold as central to our faith: a deep love for God, a commitment to justice and compassion for our neighbors, and a recognition of the sacredness of caring for ourselves as beloved creations of God. These affirmations guide our lives, our worship, and our service in the world.
Love of God
- Walking fully in the path of Jesus without denying the legitimacy of other paths that God may provide for humanity.
- Listening for God’s Word, which comes through daily prayer and worship, the study of Scripture, and the pursuit of spiritual disciplines.
- Celebrating the image of God in every person and affirming that we are created in the divine likeness.
Love of Neighbor
- Acting with love and compassion toward all, promoting equality and justice.
- Affirming the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ability.
- Preserving and restoring God’s creation, caring for the Earth and all its creatures.
Love of Self
- Nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits as beloved creations of God.
- Cultivating personal integrity and authenticity in our relationships and endeavors.
- Taking time for rest, renewal, and the exploration of our unique callings.