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PLEASE NOTE: Services on Sunday 2/16 will be ONLINE ONLY due to snow.

Our Denomination

At Hillside Community Church, we are proud to be part of the United Church of Christ (UCC) – a denomination known for its radical commitment to justice, inclusion, and a faith that embraces both the past and the future. From our roots in the bold and sometimes stubborn spirit of the Puritans to our present-day efforts to create a more just and loving world, the UCC is a story of evolving faith.

Rooted in History, Growing in Love

Yes, it’s true – we trace our lineage back to the Puritans, those folks with big hats and even bigger ideas about what it means to live in covenant with God and one another. They weren’t always the life of the party, but they were passionate about building a community grounded in faith, accountability, and justice. Over the centuries, their legacy of covenantal relationships and moral responsibility has grown into something far more expansive and inclusive than they could have ever imagined.

The UCC is shaped by the belief that God is still speaking, which means we are always open to new ways of understanding, loving, and serving. Our denomination has been at the forefront of major movements for justice, including the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, LGBTQ+ equality, and climate justice. We believe that faith is not static – it’s a living, breathing journey that invites us to step boldly into God’s unfolding story.

A Radical Welcome

In the UCC, “everyone is welcome” isn’t just a tagline – it’s a core value. We believe in the radical inclusion that Jesus modeled, which means that no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Our denomination was the first to ordain an African American pastor (in 1785), the first to ordain a woman (in 1853), and the first to ordain an openly gay minister (in 1972). These milestones are part of our ongoing commitment to creating a church where everyone can thrive.

Faith That Works for Justice

We take seriously Jesus’ call to care for the marginalized, challenge systems of oppression, and build a world where love and justice reign. Whether it’s advocating for fair housing, supporting refugees, standing up for racial justice, or addressing the climate crisis, the UCC believes that faith should move us to action.

A Community of Freedom and Responsibility

While we celebrate our shared values, the UCC also affirms the autonomy of each local church. This means Hillside Community Church has the freedom to live out our faith in ways that resonate with our unique context, while still being part of a larger community that supports and inspires us. It’s a little like being in a big family – we don’t always agree on everything, but we’re united by love and a shared purpose.

God Is Still Speaking

At the heart of our denomination is the belief that God is not done with us yet. Through scripture, community, and the world around us, we believe God continues to challenge us, surprise us, and call us into deeper love and action. Whether you’re exploring faith for the first time or have been on the journey for years, we invite you to join us in listening for God’s voice and living out Christ’s radical message of love and inclusion.

Learn More at the United Church of Christ's Website

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