Worship Roadmap
Church Words
Sometimes being in church can feel like you’re in a foreign country whose language you don’t understand. We have a bad habit of using words you don’t hear anywhere else. In this series, we’re going to help you make sense of some of these “church words.” We’ll discover that, while the words themselves don’t matter, the ideas they represent are important ones for us as we seek to love our God and our neighbors.
Sermon on the Mount
Delivered on a hillside to ordinary people just like us, the “Sermon on the Mount” is the most famous sermon that Jesus ever preached. It covers a wide range of topics like prayer, fasting, money, worry, forgiveness, judging others and more. But the theme that unites this sermon is its constant encouragement for us to go beyond the superficial and search deep into our hearts to see ourselves as God sees us.
The Good Samaritan
This two-week series will explore the parable of the good Samaritan from two important angles. First, the series will show how Jesus, as our unexpected neighbor, cares for us in our brokenness. Second, the series will challenge believers to follow in Jesus’s footsteps and minister to a broken world as the Samaritan did.
God With Us
Jesus’s birth is a powerful display of God’s faithfulness to bring peace, hope, healing, and life to a lost and dying world. This four-week series explores the Christmas story by examining the relationship between the book of Isaiah and the purpose and work of Christ in the New Testament. Because of Jesus, we can experience the joy that comes through his finished work.
Upside Down Kingdom: A Journey Through Matthew
The Book of Matthew goes out of its way to portray Jesus as a king – a king unlike any other. A king that seeks not wealth and power, but justice and love. A king that surrounds himself not with the well-connected and well-to-do but with the poor and the outcast. In this 12-week series, we’re going to take an in-depth into the life and the teachings of this one-of-a-kind king and the upside down kingdom he came to establish.
Easter Sunday
No sin is so great, no bitterness so deep that God’s grace cannot transform the heart and rewrite the story. This Easter message will explore what the Bible teaches about grace, developing a deep understanding of the life-changing power of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness.
We Are the Church: Laity Sunday
A church is more than a building, more than a pastor. A church is any community that gathers to grow in Jesus’ way of love. Every year, we celebrate that truth in this entirely lay-led service. Be prepared for fun and surprises from the whole of our community.
Beating Burnout
Recent years have been full of challenges, and many people have been left feeling burned-out. The prolonged stress of the pandemic, uncertainty, change, and loss has taken a toll on all of us. This four-week series helps us understand burnout and invites us to trust the Bible’s promises, wisdom, and practical insight to help us beat it.
The Bible Doesn’t Say That
Unfortunately, there are erroneous beliefs about God and Christianity that have snuck their way into modern church culture. These popular phrases or ways of thinking are in direct conflict with what scripture actually teaches. This 5-week series looks at different phrases the Bible doesn’t actually say, comparing them to what the Bible actually does say.
Truth to Power: The Book of Esther
This series on the book of Esther takes a hard look at the powers of evil and death at play in the Persian Empire at the time when Esther and her cousin Mordecai rose to save God’s people. It’s a potent reminder of the real power of God to deliver his people, as well as the ability of just one or two seemingly powerless people to be his instruments of deliverance. Any person of faith may at any time be called upon to risk life or livelihood, status or reputation, to speak the truth to power. Esther and Mordecai show us how.