Hillside’s singular mission is to help you ground your life in God’s love. In support of this mission, several times each year we gather for discussion around books that can help us to better understand and live in light of that love. Recent titles we’ve read together include How to Be an Antiracist, Caste, and See No Stranger. Book group meetings take place on Zoom and are open to anyone interested.
Book Groups
This Season’s Book Group
The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor
by Kaitlyn Schiess
Four Wednesdays, 10/19 – 11/09 @ 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM, Online via Zoom
As we enter into a divisive and difficult election season, we need resources that remind us who we are, direct our loves back to God, connect our loyalties to our values, and motivate positive political action in the world. Join this book study group to read and discuss this much-needed discourse on effective leadership in politics and caring for our culture.
“Well-founded, big-hearted, and wise, this is a book that could make a world of difference.”
If you need financial assistance to purchase the book, please contact our pastor, Rev. Wendy at wendy@sanctuaryucc.org