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Serve Your Neighbors

Real love takes the form of concrete action. Jesus didn’t just sit around and talk about loving people. He went out and fed people who were hungry, healed people who were sick, and welcomed people who had been rejected. It might not seem revolutionary, but it’s active love like this changes the world for the better.

You can learn more about our regular service opportunities below.

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Micro Food Pantry


Hillside’s Micro Food Pantry is open 24/7 for anyone in need of food. You can help by picking up any of the following items when you’re shopping:

Canned Soup
Canned Tuna
Canned Vegetables

Peanut Butter
Cooking Oil
Rice or Pasta

Your donation can be added to the box at any time!

Learn More

The Friday Cafe

Fridays @ 1-3pm

Open every Friday from 1-5pm, September through June, the Friday Café is a neighborhood gathering place where housed and unhoused neighbors can mingle and get acquainted in a low-key, judgment-free setting. Groups from Hillside volunteer almost every week!

Homeless Street Outreach

Sundays @ 2-5:30pm

Every Sunday, our minister leads a team in compassionate outreach to the homeless in Cambridge, MA. They distribute sandwiches, juice, socks, toiletries, and other essentials. Volunteers and sock donors are always welcome!


Fourth Wednesdays

The Shortstop shelter is a transitional shelter for young adults located just feet from Hillside’s front door. On the fourth Wednesday of every month, we gather in the church kitchen to prepare a meal to deliver its 12 residents. We provide the ingredients, but we need your help to transform them into a delicious meal!

Sandwich Sundays

Second Sundays

Every second Sunday, our church provides sandwiches for the homeless parishioners of the Outdoor Church of Cambridge. We ask that adults bring ingredients to worship for our youth to transform into sandwiches and then bless before sending them off.

Sunday Mornings

Sundays @ 11am

We are always in need of volunteers on Sunday mornings at Hillside. Whether you are a gifted cook or greeter or reader, we can use your talents!


Annually in Late June

AM2PM is a one-week intensive community service summer program for high school students. From morning to evening (a.m. to p.m., get it?) for seven days, participants engage their community through a variety of service activities.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Annually in November

Every year, we collect nonperishables from our surrounding neighborhood to help stock local food pantries in advance of Thanksgiving. Volunteers are needed to distribute flyers and bags before the drive and to help pickup donations on the day of.